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Top 20 Gastrointestinal Pharmacology

A Navigation Guide for Top20Gastrointestinal Pharmacology.com
Gastrointestinal Pharmacology

Pharmacology of the GI system Part 1, mochoc15 (28:32)

Part 1 focuses on hyperacidity and vomiting. The video covers the mechanisms of action, route of administration, adverse effects, drug interactions and clinical indications of H2-receptor antagonist, antacid, proton pump inhibitor, and antisecretory drugs.   

Pharmacology of the GI system Part 2, mochoc15 (20:59)

Part 2 focuses on disorders related to motility. Primary causes of constipation and diarrhea as well as the mechanisms of action for the drug classes used to treat both are explained very well.

The videos are set up in a lecture like format with slides on the screen as the topics are being explained.

GI Acid Medications - Anti-Acids and H2 Blockers, Michael Linares (9:31)

GI Acid Medications - Proton Pump Inhibitors, Michael Linares (8:50)

In these videos, Michael Linares talks about medications used to combat problems caused by acid in the GI tract. He talks about the 3 classes of acid drugs: Anti-acids, H2 blockers and Proton-pump inhibitors.

GI Peptic Ulcer Pharmacology I, Michael Linares (9:12)

GI Peptic Ulcer Pharmacology II, Michael Linares (6:41)

Michael Linares talks about the classes of drugs used to treat peptic ulcers.

Vomiting and Antiemetic Drugs, TaiChiKnees (18:12)

An engaging video on how vomiting occurs, what can cause vomiting and the drugs that are used to counter vomiting.